How to render google earth in pcswmm
How to render google earth in pcswmm

  • WMS (OpenGIS Web Mapping Service Layer).
  • WFS (OpenGIS Web Feature Service Layer).
  • Also improving the map are antialised output for improved rendering quality, raster layer rotation support, and support for many additional layers, including: The additional capabilities in our 2010 version will include simpler setup of map coordinate systems, with 2,900 predefined coordinate systems (including all state-plane coordinate systems), and automatic layer coordinate system recognition. And here is a sneak peak of where we are going in the next 2 quarters with GIS and CAD support.
  • SDTS-RPE (Raster Profile and Extensions).
  • T2 (Digital Terrain Elevation Data level 2).
  • DT1 (Digital Terrain Elevation Data level 1).
  • DT0 (Digital Terrain Elevation Data level 0).
  • SDTS-TCP (TVP-Topological Vector Profile).
  • KML (Google Earth Keyhole Markup Language).
  • Here is a list of the layer formats already supported in PCSWMM 2009 (as of this posting) in alphabetical order (vector layers first, followed by raster/grid layers):
  • instantly re-project any layer (or layer collection) into Google Earth for 3D visualization/animation,.
  • thematically render any vector layer based on simple or complex SQL statements,.
  • transfer (copy and paste) entities/attributes between layers (regardless of layer format),.
  • perform topological operations (area-weighting, split, join, intersect, etc.),.
  • How to render google earth in pcswmm full#

  • edit attributes of multiple entities (with full SQL query support),.
  • import and export SWMM inputs/results to and from any supported layer format,.
  • quickly and accurately reproject map layers from any projection to any other,.
  • convert layers from one file format to the other (for any write supported layer),.
  • edit geometry and/or attributes of any supported layer,.
  • By comprehensive GIS support, I mean you can easily: To provide some perspective to those new to PCSWMM 2009, let me first outline the extremely comprehensive GIS support provided by the PCSWMM spatial engine. In the near future, we will be rolling out a significant expansion of our GIS engine.

    How to render google earth in pcswmm